In this categorie you find Quizzes about Jesus and his disciples. The storys are told in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts
Matthew #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 1-10
1 / 10
1. What does the book of Matthew begin with?
The book begins with a genealogy. It traces from Abraham through King David to Jesus, showing that he is a descendant of David.
Matthew 1
2 / 10
2. What was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
The mother of Jesus, Mary, had not had sexual relations with her husband Joseph when she became pregnant with Jesus.
3 / 10
3. Who visited Jesus after his birth?
After his birth, Jesus was visited by shepherds and wise men from the East.
Matthew 2
4 / 10
4. Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist, who announced the coming of Jesus, baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Matthew 3
5 / 10
5. What words did God speak when Jesus was baptized?
After Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
6 / 10
6. Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert. What was the first temptation?
Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread. In response to Satan''s first temptation, Jesus told him that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. After two more temptations by Satan, Jesus rebuked him and the temptations ceased.
Matthew 4
7 / 10
7. With what does Jesus begin his ministry in the book of Matthew?
After being tempted by Satan, Jesus departs from Nazareth and begins to preach. His first sermon is the famous Sermon on the Mount. He calls people to repentance and to turn back to God.
Matthew 4-7
8 / 10
8. What does Jesus do after the Sermon on the Mount?
After delivering the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus comes down from the mountain and begins to heal various sick people and help those in need.
Matthew 7-8
9 / 10
9. How many disciples did Jesus have?
Jesus had 12 disciples, also called apostles. He sends them out to spread his message throughout the world.
Matthew 10
10 / 10
10. What does Jesus tell his disciples to expect when they proclaim his message?
Jesus tells his disciples that many Jews will respond to his message and repent. However, they can also expect resistance and persecution from some and they will be condemned.
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Matthew #2
This quiz covers the second part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 11-17
1. What does Jesus tell the people he heals?
Jesus tells the people he heals to keep it to themselves. Matthew explains that this is because the prophets had foretold that the Messiah would come quietly and without drawing attention to himself.
Matthew 12
2. What does John the Baptist ask Jesus?
John the Baptist asks Jesus if he is the Messiah or if they should wait for someone else.
Matthew 11
3. What do the Pharisees and scribes think of Jesus?
The Pharisees and scribes reject Jesus and consider him a false prophet.
4. What does Jesus not compare the kingdom of God to?
Jesus tells various parables about the kingdom of God. Among other things, he compares it to a farmer sowing seed, a mustard seed and a treasure.
Matthew 13
5. Who has John the Baptist killed?
Herod orders the execution of John the Baptist. John had accused Herod of marrying his own brother''s wife, which led to his arrest and eventual death.
Matthew 14
6. How many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use to feed a crowd of 5,000 men?
When Jesus is teaching and feeding the people with his message, the crowd becomes hungry. So, Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 men (plus women and children) with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. He does this twice in the book of Matthew.
7. Why can''t Peter walk on water like Jesus?
While Jesus and his disciples are out at sea after teaching and feeding the crowd, Jesus walks on the water and invites Peter to come to him. Peter takes a few steps on the water but then begins to sink because of his doubt.
8. What do the Pharisees accuse Jesus of?
The Pharisees accuse Jesus of blaspheming against God by claiming to be the Son of God.
Matthew 14-17
9. After the Pharisees reject him, Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Who says that he believes Jesus is the Son of God?
After the argument with the Pharisees, Jesus asks his disciples who they believe he is and Peter answers that he is the Son of God.
Matthew 16
10. Whose suffering does Jesus predict?
After Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus tells his disciples that the Son of Man will suffer and be crucified but will rise again on the third day. He predicts his own suffering.
Matthew 16-17
Matthew #3
This quiz covers the third part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 18-28
1. What do the disciples want to know from Jesus?
The disciples ask Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Through several parables, Jesus conveys that no one is greater than another and that the kingdom of heaven is not of this world.
Matthew 18
2. How does Jesus enter Jerusalem?
Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the people declare him to be the Son of David.
Matthew 21
3. What does Jesus do in the temple?
In Jerusalem, Jesus enters the temple courtyard and overturns the tables of the money changers and drives out the sellers. He then states that the temple should be a house of prayer.
4. How do the leaders of Israel react to this?
The leaders of Israel, after Jesus'' actions in the temple, decide to kill him. Jesus then leaves the temple with his disciples.
5. What does Jesus prophesy to his disciples?
Jesus announces that after his death and resurrection, he will come back one day. Then he will establish his kingdom throughout the Earth.
Matthew 22-23
6. What did Jesus celebrate with his disciples on the evening before his trial?
On the last evening with his disciples, Jesus celebrated the Passover feast, which Jews commemorate to remember the Exodus from Egypt. Today, we know this event as the Last Supper.
Matthew 26
7. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans, leading to Jesus'' arrest.
8. What does the governor Pilate think of Jesus?
Pilate finds Jesus innocent but succumbs to the pressure from the Jewish people and condemns him. Thus, Jesus is eventually crucified.
Matthew 27
9. What protected Jesus'' tomb?
Jesus'' tomb, where he was laid after his death, was sealed with a large stone.
10. Who was the first to discover that the tomb was empty?
Jesus'' mother, Mary, came to check on the tomb and was the first to see that it was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead. He later appeared to his disciples as well.
Matthew 28
Highscore: 998
This quiz covers the Gospel according to Mark, which narrates the story of Jesus.
1. What does the Gospel of Mark begin with?
The Gospel of Mark begins with the story of John the Baptist, who lives in the wilderness, preaches and baptizes people. When he baptizes Jesus, a voice from heaven declares, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.";40
Mark 1
2. What does Jesus do in Galilee after that?
After being baptized, Jesus goes to Galilee and preaches the Gospel. He tells people that the kingdom of God is near. He then calls his disciples, continues his journey, heals people and preaches.
Mark 1-4
3. How do the disciples react to Jesus'' parables?
Jesus tells many parables to convey his message. His disciples, however, do not understand what he is trying to convey.
Mark 8
4. What does Jesus do with Peter, James and John?
Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a high mountain and there he becomes brilliantly white.
Mark 9
5. Who appears to Jesus on the mountain?
On the mountain, Jesus is joined by Elijah and Moses and he talks with them. Then a cloud appears and suddenly, Elijah and Moses disappear.
6. What does Jesus say to a man who asks him how to obtain eternal life?
A man asks Jesus on the street what he must do to obtain eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell everything he has and give the money to the poor.
Mark 10
7. In which city does Jesus ride on a donkey?
Jesus rides on a donkey into Jerusalem. The people cheer and call him the Son of David. He then goes to the temple and drives out the people engaged in trade there.
Obadiah 11-12
8. What does Jesus announce?
As Jesus and his disciples leave the temple, he announces that Jerusalem will be destroyed. He tells them that the Christ will come back one day and they should watch for it. Afterward, he celebrates the Last Supper with them before being condemned and crucified.
Mark 13-14
9. What does Jesus say on the cross before he dies?
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says shortly before his death on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Mark 15
10. What happens when Jesus dies?
When Jesus dies, the curtain in the temple, which separates the Holy of Holies, is torn in two.
Highscore: 985
Luke #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to Luke, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Luke 1-9
1. Who were Zacharias and Elisabeth?
Zacharias and Elisabeth were the parents of John the Baptist. The birth of a special child is announced to them, as well as to Mary and Joseph. Subsequently, John the Baptist and Jesus are born.
Luke 1-2
2. Which emperor ordered a census at that time?
Emperor Augustus ordered the census that led to Jesus being born in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, Joseph''s place of origin, for the census.
Luke 2
3. What does Mary do with her son Jesus?
Mary brings Jesus to the temple to dedicate him to God. The prophets Simeon and Anna recognize who Jesus truly is there.
4. How did John the Baptist react to the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to his baptism?
John the Baptist baptized some people, including Jesus and called them to repentance. When Pharisees and Sadducees came to him, he insulted them as a brood of vipers.
Luke 3
5. What was Jesus'' hometown?
Jesus originally came from Nazareth, where he began his public ministry.
Luke 4
6. Jesus went to the synagogue. From which scroll did he read?
Jesus read from a scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue and proclaimed that he had come to bring good news to the poor and freedom to the people.
7. Who was the man Levi?
Levi was a tax collector and an outsider. Jesus invited him to follow him, along with other outsiders. Afterward, Jesus appointed his twelve disciples as apostles.
Luke 5
8. What does Jesus teach about the kingdom of God?
Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God and describes how it turns everything upside down. In God''s kingdom, the poor will be rich and the rich will be poor.
Luke 6
9. What was Jesus called by the leaders of Israel?
The leaders of Israel called Jesus a drunkard and a blasphemer. In their view, he associated with the wrong people by going to the poor and sinners.
Luke 7
10. What happens when Jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples?
When Jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples, he transforms and the presence of God comes down in a cloud. Jesus then talks with Elijah and Moses, who also appear.
Luke 9
Highscore: 988
Luke #2
This quiz covers the second part of the Gospel according to Luke, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Luke 10-24
1. How many of his disciples did Jesus send ahead to the places he wanted to visit?
Jesus sent 72 of his disciples ahead. They were to go to the places he himself wanted to visit on his journey to Jerusalem and announce his coming.
Luke 10
2. On his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus mainly encountered outsiders, who doesn''t belong to them?
Jesus encountered the poor, the sick, the blind, sinners and Samaritans, all of whom were considered outsiders of the people. They were all changed by their encounter with Jesus.
Luke 11-18
3. What happens during Jesus'' meetings with the leaders of the people of Israel on his journey?
During his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus engages in many debates with the leaders of the people of Israel. They are divided and argue over many topics. The leaders of Israel accuse Jesus of blasphemy and Jesus refers to them as hypocrites.
4. Which parable does Jesus tell when the leaders of Israel say that he associates with sinners?
After the leaders of Israel say that Jesus associates with sinners, he tells the Parable of the Prodigal Son. In this parable, a father has two sons, one of whom leaves his father with his inheritance and later returns poor. The father rejoices at his return.
Luke 15
5. What does Jesus do as he rides into the city on a donkey at the end of his journey to Jerusalem?
As Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, he begins to weep and predicts that the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed. Afterward, he enters the temple, drives out the merchants and engages in debates with the leaders of Israel.
Luke 19
6. What does Jesus do on the evening before his crucifixion?
On the last evening before his death, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and explains to them that the bread and wine represent his blood and body, which will serve as a reminder of Israel''s liberation.
Luke 22
7. Who demands the death of Jesus?
The leaders of Israel persuade Herod and Pilate to crucify Jesus, even though Pilate states that he sees no guilt in Jesus deserving death.
Luke 23
8. What do the women who come to Jesus'' tomb find?
The women who come to visit Jesus at his tomb see that it is empty and they encounter two angels who tell them that Jesus has risen.
Luke 24
9. Who does Jesus encounter first after his death?
Two of Jesus'' disciples were on their way to Emmaus, where they encounter Jesus. However, they do not recognize him and tell him that Jesus, whom they thought was the Savior, is dead and their hopes are now shattered.
10. When do the disciples recognize that it is the risen Jesus?
When Jesus celebrates the Lord''s Supper with the two disciples and breaks the bread, they recognize him. In the next moment, Jesus disappears.
Highscore: 977
John #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to John, which narrates the story of Jesus.
John 1-12
1. What does the Gospel of John begin with?
The Gospel of John begins with a poem that starts with "In the beginning was the Word." The poem narrates that in Jesus, God''s Word came to the earth. Afterwards, the narrative transitions to John the Baptist.; 42
John 1
2. How does John the Baptist refer to himself?
John the Baptist refers to himself as the voice of a preacher, baptizing people with water. He also announces that after him, Jesus will come, who will also be baptized by John the Baptist.
3. On what occasion did Jesus perform his first miracle and what happened?
After calling his disciples to follow him, Jesus was at a wedding in Cana. There, he turned some water jars into wine. John refers to this as his first sign.
John 2
4. Where did Jesus go a few days later during the Passover festival?
After the wedding, Jesus continued to Capernaum and Jerusalem. During the Passover festival, he went to the temple in Jerusalem and drove out the money changers.
5. With whom does Jesus have a nighttime conversation shortly afterward?
Jesus meets Nicodemus, a Pharisee, at night. Nicodemus addresses Jesus and acknowledges him as a teacher sent by God. Jesus explains to Nicodemus that one must be born anew to see the kingdom of God.
John 3
6. Afterward, Jesus travels north and meets a Samaritan woman. Where do they converse?
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well and engages in conversation with her. He tells her that he can provide water leading to eternal life.
John 4
7. What does Jesus do on the Sabbath?
On the Sabbath, Jesus heals a man. The leaders of Israel are upset about this, claiming that no work should be done on the Sabbath. Jesus responds that his Father also works on the Sabbath.
John 5
8. Subsequently, how does Jesus provide for a large crowd of people?
Jesus provides for a large crowd of people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Afterward, he declares himself the bread of life. Some Jews are upset by this and stop following him.
John 6
9. During which festival does Jesus go to the temple and preach?
During both the Feast of Tabernacles and the Festival of Lights, Jesus goes to the temple and preaches. Afterwards, the leaders of Israel are so angered that they plan to kill him.
John 7-10
10. Whom does Jesus subsequently raise from the dead?
Jesus learns that his friend Lazarus has died. He goes to Jerusalem, despite the danger and raises Lazarus from the dead. Afterwards, he enters Jerusalem as Israel''s king, riding on a donkey.
John 11-12
Highscore: 921
John #2
This quiz covers the second part of the Gospel according to John, which narrates the story of Jesus.
John 13-21
1. What did Jesus do after the Last Supper?
After Jesus had dinner with his disciples, he individually washed their feet.
John 13
2. What new commandment did Jesus give his disciples after that?
After washing his disciples'' feet, Jesus gives them a new commandment, saying they should love one another as he loved them.
3. What does Jesus not announce in his final speech to his disciples?
In his lengthy speech to his disciples, Jesus announces that he will depart and send them the Holy Spirit. He also predicts that his followers will be pursued by those who persecuted him.
John 14-17
4. What happens when soldiers come to arrest Jesus?
When soldiers come and ask which one is Jesus, he replies, "I am." The soldiers then step back, as "I am" is the name God gave himself in the Torah.
John 18
5. Why is Jesus brought to trial?
Jesus is brought to trial because he identifies himself as the Son of God.
John 18-19
6. What does Jesus say when Pilatus asks him if he is the King of the Jews?
Jesus responds to Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world. He is then crucified and laid in his tomb.
John 19
7. Who does the resurrected Jesus first encounter?
After his resurrection, Jesus first encounters Mary, his mother, who comes to visit his tomb. He then meets all of his disciples.
John 20
8. What mission does Jesus give to his disciples then?
Jesus instructs his disciples to receive the Spirit and sends them out into the world.
9. What do some disciples do when Jesus encounters them again?
Some disciples go fishing and catch nothing. Jesus appears to them and instructs them to cast their net on the other side, resulting in a large catch of fish.
John 21
10. What special task does Jesus give to one of his disciples at the end of the book?
At the end of the book, Jesus assigns the task of writing down the story to one of his disciples. This disciple is introduced as the author of the book.
Highscore: 993
This quiz covers the book of Acts, which narrates the experiences of the early apostles.
The Acts
1. How long did Jesus speak to his disciples about the Kingdom of God after his resurrection?
After his resurrection, Jesus spoke to his disciples for 40 days and taught them about the Kingdom of God. He also announced that the Holy Spirit would come upon them. Afterward, he ascended into heaven.
The Acts 1
2. On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples. What happens to them?
On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples. They suddenly begin speaking in various languages, allowing Israelites from different places to understand them.
The Acts 2
3. What does Peter do when he goes to the temple with John?
Peter goes to the temple with John. There, he heals a man and tells the crowd about Jesus. As a result, Peter and John are arrested by the leaders of Israel but are later released due to public pressure.
The Acts 3-4
4. Many of the apostles speak about Jesus, leading to accusations from the leaders of Israel. What happens to Stephen?
Stephen delivers a long speech in which he accuses the leaders of Israel of opposing God for a long time. They become so angry that they kill him and the disciples have to flee to Judea and Samaria.
The Acts 6
5. Who was Saul before becoming a follower of Jesus?
Saul persecuted Christians. When he encountered Jesus personally, he became Paul and a follower of Jesus.
The Acts 9
6. What did Paul do after some people in Judea and Samaria followed Jesus?
After the disciples in Samaria and Judea made some people followers of Jesus, Paul and Barnabas founded the first Christian community in Antioch. Afterward, Paul continued his travels throughout the Roman Empire.
The Acts 11
7. Where did Paul''s subsequent missionary journeys go?
Paul went to Asia Minor and Greece. There, he told people about Jesus and some became followers of Jesus while others condemned him. He was imprisoned multiple times. The idea of a single God was foreign to the Roman and Greek people.
The Acts 13-20
8. According to Paul, what must one do to become a Christian?
Some Jewish Christians claimed that one must be Jewish to become a Christian. Paul and Barnabas disagreed and clarified that God also accepts non-Jewish people into his people.
The Acts 15
9. What happens when Paul returns to Jerusalem after his journey?
When Paul returns to Jerusalem, he is thrown into prison. He remains there for several years, being transferred from one accusation to another.
The Acts 21-28
10. What does Paul do during his imprisonment?
During his imprisonment, Paul writes several letters, which will be covered in the following quiz.
Highscore: 997