The New Testament includes many Letters, the Quizzes in this category are asking questions around them
This quiz covers the letter of Paul to the church in Rome.
1 / 10
1. Who wrote the Epistle to the Romans?
The Epistle to the Romans was written by Paul during his time in prison and was addressed to the community in Rome.
Romans 1
2 / 10
2. What was Paul''s goal in writing the Epistle to the Romans?
Paul''s goal in writing the Epistle to the Romans was to bring the divided community in Rome back to unity and strengthen their faith.
3 / 10
3. What is Paul''s view?
Paul''s view is that all people are guilty due to their sins and selfishness, failing to fulfill their original purpose.
Romans 3
4 / 10
4. According to Paul, what is the basis for the salvation of humanity?
Paul describes that the salvation of humanity is based on faith in Jesus. People will always make mistakes, but through Jesus, they are declared righteous and become part of God''s family.
5 / 10
5. What does Paul call Jesus?
Paul refers to Jesus as the new Adam. While Adam made mistakes, Jesus gave his life for people and showed love. This reveals a new humanity that people can now become a part of.
Romans 5-6
6 / 10
6. According to Paul, what does baptism symbolize?
Paul writes that baptism symbolizes the washing away of the old self and the beginning of a new life with Jesus.
Romans 6
7 / 10
7. What significance does the Torah have according to Paul?
According to Paul, the Torah reveals God''s will, but it was not enough to free Israel. Through Jesus and his Holy Spirit, people can now be liberated.
Romans 7-8
8 / 10
8. How does Paul describe the future of Israel?
Paul describes that there are Israelites who recognize Jesus and those who do not. He believes that one day Israel will recognize Jesus and once again become the covenant people of God.
Romans 9-11
9 / 10
9. Which unity of the covenant people does Paul speak of?
Paul speaks of a unity between Gentiles and Jews, all belonging to the new humanity. This unity is strengthened through mutual love.
Romans 12-13
10 / 10
10. What led to the division in the community in Rome?
The divisions in the community in Rome arose due to differing opinions on Jewish dietary and Sabbath laws. Paul emphasizes that while these issues are important, they should not jeopardize the unity of the community. Love, forgiveness and respect should overcome the differences.
Romans 14-15
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Highscore: 992
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1 Corinthians
This quiz covers the first letter of Paul to the church in Corinth.
1. What led to the division in the community in Corinth?
The community in Corinth, to which Paul writes in this letter, was divided. According to Paul, other teachers came to Corinth and the members of the community chose their favorite teachers and spoke badly about the others.
1 Corinthians 1-4
2. What should the community focus on, according to Paul, to counteract the division?
Paul urges the community in Corinth to focus on Jesus. He describes that all teachers are only servants of Jesus and should not be pitted against each other. The community is about a fellowship with Jesus at its center.
3. What other issue was important to Paul in his letter to the community?
In the Corinthian community, there was a man who slept with his stepmother and others who slept with temple prostitutes. Some said it was okay because they were all free through Jesus. Paul wanted to express his opinion on this matter.
1 Corinthians 5-7
4. What does Paul call the body?
Paul refers to the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, which was given to us by God. Therefore, it is important for Paul how we treat our bodies.
5. What was the divisive issue among the Corinthians regarding food?
The Corinthian community argued about whether it was permissible to eat animals that had been dedicated to idols in the temple.
1 Corinthians 8-10
6. What is Paul''s opinion on the question of whether one can eat animals sacrificed to idols?
Paul describes that it depends on the situation whether one can eat these animals. If eating food dedicated to idols leads others to think that Christians worship other gods, then it is wrong. However, if no one sees it and could misunderstand, then it is okay. Paul''s concern is to send clear signals and consider others.
7. What problem did the Corinthian community have during worship services?
The Corinthian community held worship services once a week. During these services, some began praying loudly in different languages and others wanted to share an insight but were interrupted. The worship service was very disorderly and the attendees could no longer follow it.
1 Corinthians 11-14
8. What does Paul compare the community to?
Paul compares the community to a body. Just like a body consists of different body parts, each performing a different function but forming a unity together, so should it be in the worship service, with consideration for each other.
9. Which part of Jesus'' story did some of the Corinthian members doubt?
A part of the Corinthian community doubted the resurrection, saying that it wasn''t so important for their faith anyway.
1 Corinthians 15
10. How does Paul view the resurrection?
Paul sees the resurrection as an important and necessary part of the Gospel. It shows Jesus'' victory over sin and death and offers hope for the world. Without it, Jesus'' death would be meaningless.
Highscore: 999
2 Corinthians
This quiz covers the second letter of Paul to the church in Corinth.
1. What does Paul begin his letter to the Corinthians with?
At the beginning of his letter, Paul thanks God for his support during difficult times.
2 Corinthians 1
2. What was the reason for Paul''s second letter to the Corinthians?
The first letter that Paul wrote to the community in Corinth was rejected by them. Paul is now writing this letter to show them his love and to reconcile with them.
3. What does Paul do to reconcile with the community?
Paul explains to the community that he acts as God wants. He then elaborates on this.
4. What did the Corinthian community want from Paul that would confirm his authority?
The Corinthian community demanded a letter of recommendation from the other apostles that would prove his authority. Paul considers this foolish, as he himself founded the Corinthian community, which he believes is proof enough.
2 Corinthians 3
5. Which quality does Paul consider important for Christian leadership?
Paul describes that Jesus became king through his weakness and suffering. Therefore, he argues that even if he is weak and humble, he can better represent Jesus and that this quality is important for Christian leadership.
2 Corinthians 4-7
6. What does Paul criticize about the Corinthian community?
Paul criticizes that the Corinthian community did not donate money to the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem who were in need during the past year. He urges them to now collect and donate money.
2 Corinthians 8-9
7. What does Paul say about Jesus?
Paul describes that Jesus, out of grace and love, gave up all his wealth and became poor for the sake of humanity, so that people through him can become rich.
8. What did false apostles in Corinth do that Paul did not do?
Paul compares himself with the apostles whom the Corinthians preferred over him. He says that he did not ask for money from them and furthermore is very knowledgeable about the Bible, having been a Pharisee. Additionally, he personally met the resurrected Jesus.
2 Corinthians 11-12
9. What does Paul see as the most important for him as an apostle?
Paul writes that he wants to emphasize his weakness because Jesus said that His strength works in him when he is weak.
2 Corinthians 12
10. What does Paul warn the community about in conclusion?
Paul warns the community to examine themselves. Based on their behavior, Paul sees that their faith is not yet strong enough.
2 Corinthians 13
Highscore: 998
Galatians and Ephesians
This quiz covers Paul''s letters to the churches in Galatia and Ephesus.
1. What happened in the Galatian community that prompted Paul to write to them?
In early Christianity, there were discussions about whether Christians had to follow the laws of the Torah. In Galatia, some got circumcised as prescribed for Jews in the Torah.
Galatians 2
2. According to Paul, what is the way for people to become righteous?
Paul argues that the laws of the Torah were abolished through Jesus. He says that it is not what people do that makes them righteous, but rather faith in Jesus and loyalty to Him are the most important.
Galatians 2-3
3. Why does Paul think that the law is no longer valid for Christians?
Paul describes that the law was intended for the people of Israel before Jesus came into the world. Before Jesus arrived, people were guided by laws. Now that Jesus has come, people can become righteous through faith.
Galatians 3
4. Through what means will non-Jews then learn God''s will, according to Paul?
Paul writes that people now do God''s will through the Spirit of God. The Spirit brings forth a new kind of person who lives in love.
Galatians 5
5. Paul describes various gifts obtained through the Holy Spirit, which one does not belong?
Among the gifts obtained through the Spirit are faithfulness, patience, kindness, goodness and joy. Paul writes that these gifts need to be nurtured and that these gifts are in harmony with the law.
6. What will people who believe in Jesus become, according to the Ephesians letter?
In the Ephesians letter, Paul writes that all people can become children of God through faith in Jesus.
Ephesians 1
7. What is Paul thankful for in the Ephesians letter?
Paul thanks God for the special role he gets to play in God''s story, even though he is writing this letter from prison.
Ephesians 3
8. What is important to Paul in the community?
Unity is important to Paul in the community. Although the community is made up of very different people, they are connected by the Holy Spirit and are given different gifts.
Ephesians 4
9. What is not a sign of the Spirit that Paul lists in his letter?
Paul describes that people who have the Holy Spirit sing, are grateful and esteem others higher than themselves.
Ephesians 5
10. What does Paul warn the community about?
Paul warns the community against evil spiritual powers. They should put on the armor of God to resist them.
Ephesians 6
Highscore: 966
Philippians and Colossians
This quiz covers Paul''s letters to the church in Philippi and the church in Colossae.
1. Why does Paul write to the community in Philippi?
The community in Philippi had sent Paul support while he was in prison. Therefore, he wrote to them and thanked them for their gifts.
Philippians 1
2. How is Paul faring in prison, according to his own description?
Paul writes that he is content with his situation. Even though he might be executed, that is not a reason for him to be sad, as he would be with Jesus.
Philippians 1-2
3. What does Paul praise the community in Philippi for?
Paul praises the community in Philippi for having strong unity and mutual support.
Philippians 2
4. Which of the following individuals does Paul not mention as an example of faith?
Paul tells the stories of Timothy, Epaphroditus and himself, all of whom selflessly served others, even if it meant personal hardship.
Philippians 2-4
5. What does Paul request of two female co-workers in the community?
Paul asks two female co-workers in the community to reconcile with each other since they were in conflict. Instead, they should be united and follow Jesus together. He then thanks the community again.
Philippians 4
6. What connection did Paul have to the community in Colossae, to whom he wrote the Colossians letter?
Paul didn''t know the community in Colossae when he wrote his letter. However, he had heard about the community''s founder and the challenges they were facing, prompting him to write them a letter.
Colossians 1
7. What does Paul pray for the community in Colossae?
Paul prays for wisdom and spiritual understanding for the community in Colossae. Additionally, he thanks God for their deep faith.
8. What hope does Paul have?
Paul describes in his letter that through Jesus, all people can share in God''s glory.
Colossians 1-2
9. What does Paul criticize about the community in Colossae?
Paul tells the Colossians that they don''t need to follow all the commandments of the Torah. He says that if they do, it means they haven''t yet understood who Jesus truly is.
Colossians 2
10. According to whom should the community align themselves?
Paul urges the community to align themselves with the Messiah and to live like the new humanity that arises through the Messiah.
Colossians 3
Highscore: 982
This quiz covers the two letters to the church in Thessaloniki.
1. What does Paul praise about the Thessalonians?
Paul tells the story of the community in Thessalonica and praises them for turning away from idols and now following Jesus, even if it leads to conflict with their neighbors.
1 Thessalonians 1
2. How did the Thessalonians behave when they had to endure suffering?
The community in Thessalonica held on to Jesus despite their suffering. Paul writes that he feels united with them and with Jesus in their suffering.
1 Thessalonians 2-3
3. What does Paul not urge the community in Thessalonica to do?
Paul urges the community in Thessalonica to live in holiness and sexual purity, in contrast to their surroundings. They are to follow the teachings of Jesus. Additionally, they are to be there for others and engage in acts of service.
1 Thessalonians 4
4. What questions does the community in Thessalonica have for Paul?
The community asks Paul about what will happen to deceased community members when Jesus returns to Earth. Paul clarifies that even death does not separate us from God''s love and they too will be part of Jesus'' new reign.
5. How should the community in Thessalonica live?
Paul instructs the community to live as if the day of Jesus'' return were already here.
1 Thessalonians 5
6. What does Paul pray for at the end of his letter?
At the end of his letter, Paul prays for support for the community and that God will protect them.
7. What happens to the community between Paul''s first and second letter to the Thessalonians?
After writing his first letter, persecution of the community in Thessalonica increases, prompting Paul to write a second letter to offer them hope.
2 Thessalonians 1
8. What did some people in the community tell about the Day of the Lord?
Some people in the community claimed that the Day of the Lord had already come and that Jesus had left the community. Paul is upset about this and writes that it does not align with his teachings.
2 Thessalonians 2
9. How should the community wait for the Day of the Lord?
Paul urges the community not to fear the Day of the Lord. He also states that Jesus'' arrival will be evident.
10. What are some Thessalonians doing that Paul doesn''t approve of?
Paul criticizes some members of the community for not working and leading disorderly lives. He advises them to work to support themselves and be a benefit to others.
2 Thessalonians 3
Highscore: 972
This quiz covers Paul''s letters to Timothy.
1. What task does Paul give to Timothy?
Paul instructs Timothy to confront the false and corrupt teachers in the community in Ephesus.
1 Timothy 1
2. Who does Paul complain about in the community in Ephesus?
Paul complains about some women who dress extravagantly and place too much value on outward appearance. Paul instructs Timothy to counter the teachings of these women.
1 Timothy 2
3. Whom should Timothy appoint as leaders in the community in Ephesus?
Paul tells Timothy to appoint a group of elders and deacons as leaders in the community. They should be known for their good character and integrity.
1 Timothy 3
4. What false teaching had the false teachers spread?
The false teachers had proclaimed that people should not marry and that they should not eat meat. Paul disagrees with this and corrects the false teaching in his letter.
1 Timothy 4
5. What other problems were there in the community?
In the community in Ephesus, widows received support from the community. Some younger, wealthier widows took advantage of this, avoiding work altogether. In response, Paul writes that only older widows should receive support from the community.
1 Timothy 5
6. What should the community do with its leaders?
Paul urges the community to pay its leaders, as they need to support themselves.
7. What problem arose with some slaves in the community?
Some slaves in the community did not respect their masters. Paul writes that slaves should be treated well and loved according to Christian teachings, but they should still respect their masters.
1 Timothy 6
8. In the later-written second letter to Timothy, what does Paul urge him to do?
In his second letter, written later, Paul tells Timothy to visit him in prison. Since this journey was not without risk, he also writes that Jesus is the source of strength.
2 Timothy 1-2
9. Which task from the first letter does Timothy receive again in the second letter from Paul?
Paul gives Timothy the task once again of confronting the false teachers before he visits him in prison.
2 Timothy 3
10. What does Paul expect in the near future?
Paul writes to Timothy that he will likely die soon. He also instructs Timothy to bring him clothing and scrolls that he left behind before his arrest.
2 Timothy 4
Highscore: 997
Titus and Philemon
This quiz covers Paul''s letters to Titus and Philemon.
1. In which city did Titus live?
Titus lived in Crete and was a companion of Paul.
Titus 1
2. What is Titus supposed to do in Crete?
Titus is to appoint new leaders for the congregations in Crete. He should choose people who are righteous and holy. They are to replace the corrupt leaders spreading false teachings.
3. According to Paul, what are the people in Crete?
According to Paul, the people in Crete are liars and evil beasts. Therefore, Titus should be vigilant about false teachings.
4. Whom should Titus not rebuke among the Christians in Crete?
Titus is to rebuke the slaves to respect their masters. Furthermore, young men and young women should seek faithful partners and establish families.
Titus 2
5. What does God''s grace call people to do according to Paul?
According to Paul, God''s grace, revealed through Jesus on the cross, calls people to live righteously and devoutly.
6. What are Christians in Crete supposed to do regarding authorities?
Christians in Crete are to submit to authorities and be ready for good works. They should be kind and loving to all people.
Titus 3
7. According to Paul, how are people justified?
Paul describes that people are justified by God''s mercy and not by their own deeds.
8. Who was Philemon?
Paul commends Philemon for his deep faith and love. He was a good and faithful Christian. Paul writes to him, asking him to receive Onesimus back.
Philemon 1
9. Who was Onesimus to Philemon?
Onesimus used to be a slave of Philemon. Now, he has visited Paul in prison and become a Christian. Paul asks Philemon to receive him back, no longer as a slave but as a brother.
10. What should Philemon do if Onesimus has wronged him?
Paul writes to Philemon that if Onesimus has wronged him, his debt should be charged to Paul.
Highscore: 890
This quiz covers the Book of Hebrews, written to the scattered people of Israel.
1. Who is the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews?
The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews is unknown.
Hebrews 1
2. According to the author, how does God speak to people?
The author describes that God spoke to the people of Israel in various ways in the past, but now He speaks through His Son. Jesus reveals God''s glory and is the ultimate revelation of God.
3. According to the author, who is lower than Jesus?
The author of the letter writes that no angel is the Son of God and Jesus is therefore above the angels. He further writes that he wants to place his trust in Jesus.
Hebrews 2
4. Which leader of Israel is also compared to Jesus?
The author of the letter continues that Moses is also subordinate to Jesus. While Moses built a house for God, Jesus created the entire world.
Hebrews 3
5. Which story about Moses does the author tell?
The author tells the story of how the people of Israel rebelled against Moses in the wilderness and turned away from God.
Hebrews 3-4
6. What did God do when the people of Israel rebelled against Moses in the wilderness?
Due to their rebellion, God did not allow the people of Israel to enter the promised land. Since Jesus is higher than Moses, the author exhorts the readers not to rebel against Jesus.
7. What does the author criticize about the priests of the people of Israel?
The priests of the people of Israel were flawed individuals who had to repeatedly offer sacrifices for their own sins. Jesus is now the ultimate priest, without flaw.
Hebrews 5-7
8. What no longer needs to be done by Christians due to Jesus'' death on the cross?
The author of the letter describes that Jesus'' death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice. In the past, people had to regularly sacrifice animals for their sins, but through Jesus, all sins of all people have been atoned for.
Hebrews 8-10
9. Whom should the people who read the letter follow?
The author mentions many examples of faith.
Hebrews 11
10. What does the author finally urge the readers to do?
The author concludes by urging the readers of the letter to take his exhortations seriously.
Hebrews 13
Highscore: 926
James and Peter
This quiz covers the Letter of James and the two Letters of Peter.
1. Who wrote the Epistle of James?
The Epistle of James was written by James himself. It is not addressed to a specific congregation but is directed to all of Israel.
James 1
2. What should Christians be according to James?
James urges the readers not only to be hearers of the word but also doers. He states that faith without works is dead.
James 1-2
3. What does James not criticize in his letter?
In his letter, James primarily criticizes superficiality, hypocrisy and wealth. He emphasizes that Christians should not only pretend to believe in Jesus but that this should also be evident in their actions and lives.
James 2-5
4. What does James urge Christians to do?
James encourages the readers to exercise patience and wait for the day of the Lord.
James 5
5. Who wrote the First Epistle of Peter?
The First Epistle of Peter was inspired by Peter, but he co-authored it with his associate Silvanus. The letter was addressed to persecuted Christians in Asia Minor.
1 Peter 1-5
6. What should Christian slaves do?
Christian slaves are instructed to submit to their masters. Since they have been set free, they can now love their enemies and follow Jesus'' example. Additionally, they have the hope of future exaltation through Jesus, even in death.
1 Peter 2-3
7. Who is exhorted in the letter to care for the congregation?
The elders are encouraged to care for their congregation. They should lead as examples and not as rulers.
1 Peter 5
8. Why does Peter write the Second Epistle of Peter?
In his second letter, Peter writes that he will likely die soon and wants to remind the congregation of certain things before that happens.
2 Peter 1
9. What do the false teachers in the congregation teach?
The false teachers claim that there is no accountability for Christians, so they can do whatever they want.
2 Peter 2
10. What are the false teachers complaining about?
The false teachers complain that God''s promises are not being fulfilled. Peter responds, stating that God has a different concept of time than humans.
2 Peter 3
Highscore: 979
John and Jude
This quiz covers the Letters of John and the Letter of Jude.
1. How many Epistles of John are there?
There are three Epistles of John. The authorship of these three letters is largely uncertain.
2. What message is proclaimed in the First Epistle of John?
The author of the First Epistle of John proclaims the message that God is light. Therefore, he urges the readers to walk in the light.
1 John 1
3. What else does the First Epistle of John urge the readers to do?
The First Epistle of John urges the readers to love one another, as this allows them to walk in the light.
1 John 2
4. What are people called in the letter who deny that Jesus is the Son of God?
People who deny that Jesus is the Son of God are called antichrists. The letter warns the readers against them and advises them to keep Jesus'' commandments to belong to God''s family.
1 John 2-3
5. What else is God called in the First Epistle of John, apart from being the light?
In addition to being referred to as the light, the First Epistle of John also describes God as love. Therefore, it encourages its readers to remain in love and to love one another, in order to remain close to God. God''s love is particularly evident through Jesus on the cross.
1 John 4
6. What do those who believe in Jesus have?
The author of the First Epistle of John writes that those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life.
1 John 5
7. What does the author of the Second Epistle of John advise the readers to do regarding the antichrist?
In the Second Epistle of John, the author advises the readers not to receive the antichrist and not to greet him. By antichrist, he refers to false teachers and deceivers.
2 John 1
8. What does the author of the Third Epistle of John request from the congregation he is writing to?
The Third Epistle of John is addressed to Gaius, who was in a congregation. The author asks him to receive some good Christians. He also mentions that he has already written to the leader of the congregation, Diotrephes, who rejected his request.
3 John 1
9. Who was Jude, the author of the Epistle of Jude?
The author of the Epistle of Jude identifies himself as the brother of James. However, it is unclear which James he meant and it is also uncertain whether brother" refers to a familial relationship or a brother in faith."
Jude 1
10. Who does Jude warn the readers against?
Similar to many other letters, readers of the Epistle of Jude are warned against false teachers who spread the message that Christians can do whatever they want.
Highscore: 936
This quiz covers the Book of Revelation, written by John, revealing the visions of Jesus Christ.
1. Who wrote the Book of Revelation?
The author of the Book of Revelation identifies himself as John. According to the author, the Book of Revelation describes a vision of the future.
Revelation 1
2. To how many churches in Asia Minor was the Book of Revelation sent?
The Book of Revelation was sent to seven churches in Asia Minor. At the beginning, John addresses each church with a paragraph about their issues. The number seven held special significance for John and is frequently used in the book.
Revelation 1-3
3. After that, John has a vision of God on His throne. What does He hold in His hand?
God holds a scroll in His hand that no one can open. Then a slaughtered Lamb appears, able to open the scroll and He sits down next to God''s throne.
Revelation 4-5
4. What does none of the seven seals on the scroll symbolize?
The seven seals on the scroll are gradually opened. Under each seal, severe events are described, such as death, famine, war, persecution of Christians, or the Day of the Lord as foretold by the prophets.
Revelation 6-8
5. What sounds when the last seal is about to be opened?
When the seventh seal is about to be opened, seven trumpets sound. The first six represent parts of the 10 plagues during the Exodus from Egypt. John then tells that despite these plagues, the nations did not repent. However, the followers of the Lamb will die and then be justified, leading the nations to repentance. After that, the seventh trumpet sounds and God''s kingdom comes to Earth.
Revelation 9-11
6. Which creature is opposite the slaughtered Lamb?
John describes a dragon defeated by the Messiah. This dragon strengthens other evil beasts. Then, the slaughtered Lamb comes and appears in the New Jerusalem.
Revelation 12-14
7. What comes upon the Earth through the seven bowls that are poured out afterward?
The seven bowls that are poured out bring calamity and plagues upon the world, similar to the trumpets and seals.
Revelation 15-16
8. Whose downfall does John see in his vision?
John describes the downfall of Babylon, which is depicted as full of sin. Babylon symbolizes humanity''s rebellion against God.
Revelation 17-18
9. What happens to the devil when Jesus returns?
When Jesus returns in John''s vision, He defeats evil and the devil, who is imprisoned for 1000 years. Afterward, there is a new rebellion by the devil before Jesus ultimately defeats him forever.
Revelation 19-20
10. What does John describe at the end of his Revelation?
At the end of the Book of Revelation, John describes the New Jerusalem, where people live in communion with God. People will finally fulfill their creative purpose and become the image of God.
Revelation 21-22
Highscore: 995