Matthew #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 1-10
1 / 10
1. What does the book of Matthew begin with?
The book begins with a genealogy. It traces from Abraham through King David to Jesus, showing that he is a descendant of David.
Matthew 1
2 / 10
2. What was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
The mother of Jesus, Mary, had not had sexual relations with her husband Joseph when she became pregnant with Jesus.
3 / 10
3. Who visited Jesus after his birth?
After his birth, Jesus was visited by shepherds and wise men from the East.
Matthew 2
4 / 10
4. Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist, who announced the coming of Jesus, baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Matthew 3
5 / 10
5. What words did God speak when Jesus was baptized?
After Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
6 / 10
6. Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert. What was the first temptation?
Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread. In response to Satan''s first temptation, Jesus told him that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. After two more temptations by Satan, Jesus rebuked him and the temptations ceased.
Matthew 4
7 / 10
7. With what does Jesus begin his ministry in the book of Matthew?
After being tempted by Satan, Jesus departs from Nazareth and begins to preach. His first sermon is the famous Sermon on the Mount. He calls people to repentance and to turn back to God.
Matthew 4-7
8 / 10
8. What does Jesus do after the Sermon on the Mount?
After delivering the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus comes down from the mountain and begins to heal various sick people and help those in need.
Matthew 7-8
9 / 10
9. How many disciples did Jesus have?
Jesus had 12 disciples, also called apostles. He sends them out to spread his message throughout the world.
Matthew 10
10 / 10
10. What does Jesus tell his disciples to expect when they proclaim his message?
Jesus tells his disciples that many Jews will respond to his message and repent. However, they can also expect resistance and persecution from some and they will be condemned.
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Genesis #2
This quiz covers the second part of the book Genesis and the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Genesis 10-50
1. What is the reason for Abraham moving to the land of Canaan?
Abraham moved to the land of Canaan at God''s command.
Genesis 12
2. What does God promise to Abraham?
God promises Abraham that He will make his name great and that he will become a great nation. Additionally, God wants to bless him and give him a land.
3. Abraham desperately wants to have a son. What does he do because it doesn''t work with his wife Sarah?
After Abraham and Sarah struggled to have a child for a long time, even though they wished for one, Abraham sleeps with Hagar, the maidservant of his wife Sarah, so she can bear him a child. This happened and Hagar gave birth to Ishmael.
Genesis 16
4. What was the name of the son that Sarah and Abraham had in their old age?
After Abraham and Sarah continued to not have a son for a long time, even though they wanted one, God renewed His covenant with Abraham when he was already a hundred years old. Sarah gave birth to a son, whom they named Isaac and through him, God intended to continue His covenant. Isaac, in turn, had sons named Jacob and Esau.
Genesis 17
5. Why does Esau hate Jacob?
Jacob and Esau were twin brothers who fought over their father''s inheritance. Jacob deceived his father by pretending to be Esau and took the inheritance, while Esau was out hunting. When Esau returned and realized what Jacob had done, he was angry and hated Jacob.
Genesis 27
6. Jacob went to his uncle Laban. How was he deceived by Laban?
Jacob fell in love with Rachel, Laban''s daughter and agreed to work for Laban for seven years in exchange for her. After seven years, Laban gave him Leah, his other daughter, as a bride instead and Jacob had to work another seven years for Rachel.
Genesis 29
7. Why is Joseph, the son of Jacob, sold by his brothers?
Joseph''s brothers were jealous of him because their father Jacob favored Joseph and gave him a colorful coat. Joseph also told them about a dream in which they all bowed down to him, which made them even angrier. Out of anger, they eventually sold Joseph to a group of traders who took him to Egypt.
Genesis 37
8. What happened to Joseph in Egypt when he arrived there?
Joseph was sold to Egypt by his brothers and became a slave there, even being thrown into prison.
9. What became of Joseph after he escaped from prison?
Although Joseph was in prison, he managed to rise to power as the mighty Viceroy of the Pharaoh of Egypt through his wisdom and God''s help. As the Pharaoh''s right-hand man, he saved the land from famine and also provided for his family, who he eventually reunited with.
Genesis 41-46
10. What does Joseph say to his brothers when he sees them again at the end of the book?
Joseph concludes at the end of the book that the brothers carried out the selling of Joseph with evil intentions. However, God had a good purpose, as it fulfilled His covenant with Abraham and provided for his descendants.
Genesis 50
Exodus #1
This quiz covers the Israelites'' exodus from Egypt, as told in the book Exodus.
Exodus 1-14
1. Why were the Israelites oppressed in Egypt?
The Israelites were oppressed because they became numerous in Egypt and the Egyptians feared their potential power and thought they might pose a threat in some way. This led to their oppression.
Exodus 1,9
2. What is the meaning of the name Moses?
The name Moses comes from the Hebrew word "Mosheh," which means "drawn out." This refers to the fact that Moses was drawn out of the Nile by the Pharaoh''s wife as a baby and was saved.
Exodus 2,10
3. What position did Moses have in Egypt?
Moses was born to Israelite parents in Egypt but grew up as an adopted child of the Pharaoh and held a privileged position in Egypt. When he learned about his heritage and the oppression of his people, he aligned himself with the Israelites.
Exodus 2-4
4. Why do the Israelites leave Egypt?
The Israelites leave Egypt because God commands them to do so in order to fulfill His promise to their ancestors that He will give them a land.
Exodus 3:10
5. What is the purpose of the plagues God sends upon the land of Egypt?
The purpose of the plagues that God sends upon the land of Egypt is to punish the Pharaoh for not releasing the Israelites. These plagues are intended to demonstrate God''s power to both the Israelites and the Egyptians.
Exodus 9
6. What is the first plague that God sends upon the land of Egypt?
The first plague that God sends upon the land of Egypt, after the Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites go, is the transformation of water into blood.
Exodus 7
7. What is the last plague that God sends upon the land of Egypt?
The last plague that God sends upon the land of Egypt is the death of all the firstborn in Egypt.
Exodus 11
8. How do the Israelites escape the last plague?
The Israelites escape the last plague by painting the doorposts of their houses with the blood of a lamb. God instructs them to do this so that their firstborn will be spared.
Exodus 12
9. What marks the beginning of the Israelites'' journey to the promised land?
The beginning of the Israelites'' journey to the promised land is marked by the Passover meal. It was the final meal before the Israelites departed from Egypt.
10. When the Israelites left Egypt, they had to cross the Red Sea. How did Moses part the Red Sea?
Moses parted the Red Sea with the help of God. This allowed the Israelites to pass through while the Egyptians were drowned by the waters. Thus, the Israelites escaped from the Egyptians.
Exodus 14
Exodus #2
This quiz covers the Israelites'' first wilderness journey after leaving Egypt, as told in the book Exodus.
Exodus 15-34
1. What happens to the Israelites after they arrive in the wilderness?
After the Israelites arrive in the wilderness, they complain about having insufficient food and water. They claim that life was better for them in Egypt, even though they were exploited there. They lack trust in God''s help.
Exodus 16
2. How did God provide for the Israelites on their journey through the wilderness?
God provided for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness by supplying them with manna, which fell from the sky and was collected by the Israelites each morning.
3. For how long did God provide the Israelites with manna from the sky in the wilderness?
God provided the Israelites with manna for 40 years in the wilderness until they reached inhabited land.
4. What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
Moses went alone into the wilderness to Mount Sinai. On Mount Sinai, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. The Ten Commandments are the foundational instructions for the life and conduct of the Israelites as God''s people.
Exodus 20
5. Which commandment instructs not to misuse God''s name?
The second commandment instructs not to misuse or take God''s name in vain but to treat it with respect and reverence.
Exodus 20,7
6. What is the focus of the 10th commandment?
The 10th commandment emphasizes the importance of not coveting or desiring the possessions of others. It calls upon the Israelites to be honest with one another and not to envy their fellow humans.
Exodus 20,17
7. What were the Israelites instructed to build for God?
The Israelites were instructed to build the so-called Tabernacle for God. It was a portable tent that traveled with the Israelites from place to place. God intended to dwell among His people in the Tabernacle. Moses went up to Mount Sinai again to receive the plans for building the Tabernacle from God.
Exodus 25
8. What was in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle?
In the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle, there was an altar and the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. This area of the Tabernacle was the holiest place for the Israelites, symbolizing the presence of God.
Exodus 26
9. While Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Israelites built a golden calf. For what purpose?
The Israelites built the golden calf because they believed that Moses would not return from Mount Sinai and they wanted a substitute for God. They considered it their god and began to worship it, thereby breaking the first two commandments shortly after receiving the Ten Commandments.
Exodus 32
10. What does God do to the people after they built the golden calf?
After seeing that the Israelite people had broken His commandments, God tells Moses that He wants to destroy them. However, Moses pleads and asks Him not to do so, as it would mean breaking God''s covenant with Abraham. God yields to his intercession and forgives the people and they go on to build the Tabernacle according to His plans.
Exodus 34
This quiz covers the events in the book Leviticus.
1. What is the main content of the Book of Leviticus?
After the people of Israel sinned against God and did not act according to His will, God establishes a series of commandments. He outlines ways through which the people of Israel can cleanse their sins.
Leviticus 1
2. In the peace and fellowship offerings, the Israelites were to give a portion of their food back to God. What was the purpose of this offering?
The peace and fellowship offering was a religious practice in ancient Israel, where a portion of harvested food and other offerings were presented to God. The purpose of this offering was to thank God for His gifts and to give a portion back to Him as a symbolic expression of gratitude.
Leviticus 2-3
3. What were the Israelites instructed to do if they unintentionally did something wrong?
When the Israelites unintentionally did something wrong, they were instructed to offer a sin offering in the form of an animal sacrifice to obtain forgiveness for their sins. They were also to ask forgiveness from the person against whom they had transgressed.
Leviticus 4-5
4. Who were the first priests of the people of Israel?
Moses appointed Aaron (his brother) and his sons as the first priests of Israel.
Leviticus 8-9
5. What were the duties of the priests?
The duties of the priests included serving as intermediaries between God and the people. They represented God before the people and the people before God. They were also responsible for, among other things, offering sacrifices on behalf of the people.
Leviticus 21-22
6. In the Book of Leviticus, several things were described that could make the Israelites unclean. What did not make the Israelites unclean?
In the Book of Leviticus, a multitude of rules and regulations were outlined that the Israelites had to follow to avoid becoming ceremonially unclean. They had to be ritually pure to come into the presence of the holy God. Contact with blood and certain types of animals, as well as skin diseases, led to impurity. However, wearing specific clothing did not lead to impurity. Depending on what caused an Israelite to become unclean, it took a certain period of time for that person to become clean again.
Leviticus 11-15
7. What was not part of God''s regulations to the people of Israel for their interpersonal behavior?
God gave the Israelites a set of regulations for their interpersonal behavior. These regulations aimed to make the people of Israel just and distinct from other nations. They included provisions for caring for the poor, guidelines for sexual acts and instructions for interactions with one another, but they did not include regulations for the use of weapons.
Leviticus 18-20
8. How many annual festivals does the Book of Leviticus describe for the Israelites?
God established seven annual festivals for the Israelites. These festivals commemorated various aspects of the Exodus from Egypt and the subsequent wilderness journey. Through these festivals, Israel was reminded of how God had liberated them from slavery and who God was for them.
Leviticus 23-25
9. The Year of Jubilee was included in the commandments that God gave to the people of Israel. What significance does it hold?
The "Year of Jubilee" was a year in which all slaves were set free and all debts were forgiven. It was meant to be a year of restoration.
Leviticus 25
10. What is the name of a special day celebrated once a year among the people of Israel?
On the Day of Atonement, celebrated once a year, the priest would offer a sacrifice on behalf of all the sins of the people of Israel that had not yet been atoned for. The sins of the people were symbolically transferred onto a "scapegoat" and it was sent into the wilderness.
Leviticus 16-17
Matthew #2
This quiz covers the second part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 11-17
1. What does Jesus tell the people he heals?
Jesus tells the people he heals to keep it to themselves. Matthew explains that this is because the prophets had foretold that the Messiah would come quietly and without drawing attention to himself.
Matthew 12
2. What does John the Baptist ask Jesus?
John the Baptist asks Jesus if he is the Messiah or if they should wait for someone else.
Matthew 11
3. What do the Pharisees and scribes think of Jesus?
The Pharisees and scribes reject Jesus and consider him a false prophet.
4. What does Jesus not compare the kingdom of God to?
Jesus tells various parables about the kingdom of God. Among other things, he compares it to a farmer sowing seed, a mustard seed and a treasure.
Matthew 13
5. Who has John the Baptist killed?
Herod orders the execution of John the Baptist. John had accused Herod of marrying his own brother''s wife, which led to his arrest and eventual death.
Matthew 14
6. How many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use to feed a crowd of 5,000 men?
When Jesus is teaching and feeding the people with his message, the crowd becomes hungry. So, Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 men (plus women and children) with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. He does this twice in the book of Matthew.
7. Why can''t Peter walk on water like Jesus?
While Jesus and his disciples are out at sea after teaching and feeding the crowd, Jesus walks on the water and invites Peter to come to him. Peter takes a few steps on the water but then begins to sink because of his doubt.
8. What do the Pharisees accuse Jesus of?
The Pharisees accuse Jesus of blaspheming against God by claiming to be the Son of God.
Matthew 14-17
9. After the Pharisees reject him, Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Who says that he believes Jesus is the Son of God?
After the argument with the Pharisees, Jesus asks his disciples who they believe he is and Peter answers that he is the Son of God.
Matthew 16
10. Whose suffering does Jesus predict?
After Peter acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus tells his disciples that the Son of Man will suffer and be crucified but will rise again on the third day. He predicts his own suffering.
Matthew 16-17
Matthew #3
This quiz covers the third part of the Gospel according to Matthew, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Matthew 18-28
1. What do the disciples want to know from Jesus?
The disciples ask Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Through several parables, Jesus conveys that no one is greater than another and that the kingdom of heaven is not of this world.
Matthew 18
2. How does Jesus enter Jerusalem?
Jesus enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the people declare him to be the Son of David.
Matthew 21
3. What does Jesus do in the temple?
In Jerusalem, Jesus enters the temple courtyard and overturns the tables of the money changers and drives out the sellers. He then states that the temple should be a house of prayer.
4. How do the leaders of Israel react to this?
The leaders of Israel, after Jesus'' actions in the temple, decide to kill him. Jesus then leaves the temple with his disciples.
5. What does Jesus prophesy to his disciples?
Jesus announces that after his death and resurrection, he will come back one day. Then he will establish his kingdom throughout the Earth.
Matthew 22-23
6. What did Jesus celebrate with his disciples on the evening before his trial?
On the last evening with his disciples, Jesus celebrated the Passover feast, which Jews commemorate to remember the Exodus from Egypt. Today, we know this event as the Last Supper.
Matthew 26
7. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans, leading to Jesus'' arrest.
8. What does the governor Pilate think of Jesus?
Pilate finds Jesus innocent but succumbs to the pressure from the Jewish people and condemns him. Thus, Jesus is eventually crucified.
Matthew 27
9. What protected Jesus'' tomb?
Jesus'' tomb, where he was laid after his death, was sealed with a large stone.
10. Who was the first to discover that the tomb was empty?
Jesus'' mother, Mary, came to check on the tomb and was the first to see that it was empty. Jesus had risen from the dead. He later appeared to his disciples as well.
Matthew 28
Highscore: 998
This quiz covers the Gospel according to Mark, which narrates the story of Jesus.
1. What does the Gospel of Mark begin with?
The Gospel of Mark begins with the story of John the Baptist, who lives in the wilderness, preaches and baptizes people. When he baptizes Jesus, a voice from heaven declares, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.";40
Mark 1
2. What does Jesus do in Galilee after that?
After being baptized, Jesus goes to Galilee and preaches the Gospel. He tells people that the kingdom of God is near. He then calls his disciples, continues his journey, heals people and preaches.
Mark 1-4
3. How do the disciples react to Jesus'' parables?
Jesus tells many parables to convey his message. His disciples, however, do not understand what he is trying to convey.
Mark 8
4. What does Jesus do with Peter, James and John?
Jesus takes Peter, James and John up a high mountain and there he becomes brilliantly white.
Mark 9
5. Who appears to Jesus on the mountain?
On the mountain, Jesus is joined by Elijah and Moses and he talks with them. Then a cloud appears and suddenly, Elijah and Moses disappear.
6. What does Jesus say to a man who asks him how to obtain eternal life?
A man asks Jesus on the street what he must do to obtain eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell everything he has and give the money to the poor.
Mark 10
7. In which city does Jesus ride on a donkey?
Jesus rides on a donkey into Jerusalem. The people cheer and call him the Son of David. He then goes to the temple and drives out the people engaged in trade there.
Obadiah 11-12
8. What does Jesus announce?
As Jesus and his disciples leave the temple, he announces that Jerusalem will be destroyed. He tells them that the Christ will come back one day and they should watch for it. Afterward, he celebrates the Last Supper with them before being condemned and crucified.
Mark 13-14
9. What does Jesus say on the cross before he dies?
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says shortly before his death on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Mark 15
10. What happens when Jesus dies?
When Jesus dies, the curtain in the temple, which separates the Holy of Holies, is torn in two.
Highscore: 985
This quiz covers the journey of the Israelites towards the promised land in the book Numbers.
1. What is the focus of the Book of Numbers?
The Book of Numbers primarily focuses on the journey of the Israelites through the wilderness. It begins at Mount Sinai, where they received the commandments in the Book of Leviticus and follows their journey towards the land that God had promised to Abraham.
Numbers 1-36
2. How many tribes does the people of Israel have?
At Mount Sinai, the people of Israel are counted and divided into twelve tribes. There is an organized arrangement for how the people should camp, with the Tabernacle at the center, signifying that God dwells in the midst of His people.
Numbers 1-10
3. What special task did the tribe of Levi have?
The tribe of Levi was given the special task of caring for the house of God, including the transportation, setup and dismantling of the Tabernacle.
Numbers 1
4. What does the people of Israel do as they journey from Mount Sinai into the wilderness?
After departing from Mount Sinai, the people of Israel complain and grumble in the wilderness, expressing that life was better for them in Egypt.
Numbers 11
5. When the Israelites arrive in the wilderness of Paran, they stop. Whom does Moses send ahead to explore the promised land?
Moses sends twelve spies, one from each tribe, to explore the promised land. Ten of these spies report that the people of Israel have no chance against the inhabitants of the land, while two of them believe that God will save them.
Numbers 13-14
6. What danger awaits the Israelites as they continue their journey?
The returning spies report that the Canaanite people are strong and will defeat Israel. This report leads the Israelites to turn against Moses and complain once again.
Numbers 15
7. What does God do when the people no longer want to follow Him?
Seeing that the people no longer trust Him and have broken His covenant, God initially wants to destroy them. However, Moses intercedes on behalf of the people, reminding God of His covenant with Abraham. As a result, God forgives the people again. However, He prohibits this generation from entering the promised land and decrees that they must wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Despite this, the people do not repent, but once again rebel against Moses.
8. As the people continue through the wilderness, complaining and grumbling, what does Moses do in response?
When the people of Israel are thirsty in the wilderness, Moses, with the help of his staff, causes water to gush forth from a rock. However, by acting in this way, Moses takes God''s place and God also prohibits Moses from entering the promised land.
Numbers 20
9. What does the king of Moab do when he sees the people of Israel approaching?
Upon seeing the people of Israel approaching, the king of Moab instructs the sorcerer Balaam to curse the people. However, despite attempting to do so three times, Balaam is unable to curse Israel. Instead, God gives Balaam a vision in which an Israelite king will bring righteousness to all nations.
Numbers 22-25
10. What challenges does the new generation of the people have to overcome by the end of the book?
Towards the end of the Book of Numbers, the new generation of Israelites prepares to enter the promised land. However, before doing so, they need to conquer various nations that inhabit the land.
Numbers 26-36
Highscore: 975
This quiz covers the events in the book Deuteronomy and Moses'' farewell.
1. The fifth book of Moses is also known as Deuteronomy, what does this word mean?
The name Deuteronomy means ''the second law.'' This book contains a repetition and restatement of the laws and commandments that were previously mentioned in the earlier books of the Bible.
Deuteronomy 1-34
2. What does the fifth book of Moses begin with?
The fifth book of Moses begins with a speech by Moses, in which he retells the history of the people of Israel and calls the new generation to faithfulness to God.
3. Which regulations does Moses remind the people of Israel about?
Moses recounts the covenant made with God at Mount Sinai and reminds the people of the Ten Commandments, which were the terms of the covenant.
Deuteronomy 5
4. Why does Moses repeat the laws? To remind the Israelites that…
Moses repeats the laws mentioned in the previous books to ensure that the Israelites understand that they belong to God and that their relationship with Him is based on obedience to His commandments.
5. What does Moses call the land that God promised to the Israelites?
Moses refers to the land that God promised to the Israelites as the land of Canaan.
Deuteronomy 6
6. The so-called Shema Israel was an important prayer for the Israelites. What does it call the Israelites to do?
The Shema Israel states: ''Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.'' It emphasizes the Israelites'' duty to love God and worship only one God, distinguishing them from other nations.
Deuteronomy 6,4-5
7. What portion of their annual income should the Israelites give to the temple?
The Israelites were to give a tenth (a tithe) of their annual income to the temple, where God''s presence would dwell in the promised land. Additionally, every third year, they were to give another tithe to the poor, contributing to the worship of God and setting them apart from surrounding nations.
Deuteronomy 12-16
8. Who were not among the leaders of the people of Israel?
Moses emphasizes that the people of Israel are to be led by judges, priests and kings when they are in the promised land and the Israelites are to listen to them. These leaders were responsible for upholding the law and God sent prophets to speak to them.
Deuteronomy 16-18
9. What does Moses prophesy will happen to the people of Israel if they rebel against God?
Moses prophesies that if the people of Israel remain faithful to God, they will be blessed. However, he also prophesies that they will rebel again and, as a result, will go into exile. He also foretells that God will eventually change the hearts of the people so they can truly love God.
Deuteronomy 28-30
10. How old was Moses when he died?
At the end of his speech in the fifth book of Moses, Moses ascends a mountain and dies at the age of 120.
Deuteronomy 34
This quiz covers the Israelites'' conquest of the promised land under the leadership of Joshua.
1. How did Joshua become the leader of the Israelites after Moses'' death?
After Moses'' death, God chose Joshua as his successor and instructed him to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River into the promised land of Canaan.
Joshua 1
2. Joshua sent spies ahead into the promised land. What happened when the spies arrived in Canaan?
The spies that Joshua sent ahead had a successful mission and even some Canaanites turned to follow the God of Israel.
Joshua 2
3. How were the Israelites brought across the Jordan River?
Joshua parted the waters of the Jordan River, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground.
Joshua 3
4. What was Joshua''s first target?
Joshua''s first target was the city of Jericho. The Israelites conquered it with the help of God, who caused the city walls to collapse.
Joshua 6
5. What did the Israelite Achan do that displeased God?
Achan stole consecrated items that belonged to God from Jericho. This led to the Israelites'' defeat in their next battle against Ai and their loss of God''s help.
Joshua 7
6. What did the Israelites do to conquer the city of Ai after suffering an initial defeat?
After their initial defeat, Joshua prayed to God for help and led a surprise attack on Ai, setting a trap for its inhabitants. This led to the Israelites'' victory over Ai.
Joshua 8
7. Which city in Canaan allied itself with the Israelites?
The Gibeonites made a covenant with the Israelites by deceiving them, claiming to come from a distant land and requesting peace and protection.
Joshua 9
8. What did the Israelites do when they realized they had been deceived by the Gibeonites?
After discovering the deception, the Israelites honored their covenant with the Gibeonites, as they had sworn by the name of God. They later defeated the other kings in Canaan who had allied against Israel.
Joshua 10-12
9. How did the Israelites distribute the conquered land of Canaan among themselves?
The Israelites distributed the conquered land of Canaan among themselves by casting lots, fulfilling God''s promise to Abraham that his descendants would inherit the promised land.
Joshua 18
10. What was Joshua''s final instruction to the Israelites before his death?
Joshua''s final instruction to the Israelites was to remain faithful to the covenant with God and to stay away from other gods. He also warned them not to adopt the customs of their neighbors or participate in their idolatry.
Joshua 23
Highscore: 991
Luke #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to Luke, which narrates the story of Jesus.
Luke 1-9
1. Who were Zacharias and Elisabeth?
Zacharias and Elisabeth were the parents of John the Baptist. The birth of a special child is announced to them, as well as to Mary and Joseph. Subsequently, John the Baptist and Jesus are born.
Luke 1-2
2. Which emperor ordered a census at that time?
Emperor Augustus ordered the census that led to Jesus being born in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, Joseph''s place of origin, for the census.
Luke 2
3. What does Mary do with her son Jesus?
Mary brings Jesus to the temple to dedicate him to God. The prophets Simeon and Anna recognize who Jesus truly is there.
4. How did John the Baptist react to the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to his baptism?
John the Baptist baptized some people, including Jesus and called them to repentance. When Pharisees and Sadducees came to him, he insulted them as a brood of vipers.
Luke 3
5. What was Jesus'' hometown?
Jesus originally came from Nazareth, where he began his public ministry.
Luke 4
6. Jesus went to the synagogue. From which scroll did he read?
Jesus read from a scroll of Isaiah in the synagogue and proclaimed that he had come to bring good news to the poor and freedom to the people.
7. Who was the man Levi?
Levi was a tax collector and an outsider. Jesus invited him to follow him, along with other outsiders. Afterward, Jesus appointed his twelve disciples as apostles.
Luke 5
8. What does Jesus teach about the kingdom of God?
Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God and describes how it turns everything upside down. In God''s kingdom, the poor will be rich and the rich will be poor.
Luke 6
9. What was Jesus called by the leaders of Israel?
The leaders of Israel called Jesus a drunkard and a blasphemer. In their view, he associated with the wrong people by going to the poor and sinners.
Luke 7
10. What happens when Jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples?
When Jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples, he transforms and the presence of God comes down in a cloud. Jesus then talks with Elijah and Moses, who also appear.
Luke 9
Highscore: 988
John #1
This quiz covers the first part of the Gospel according to John, which narrates the story of Jesus.
John 1-12
1. What does the Gospel of John begin with?
The Gospel of John begins with a poem that starts with "In the beginning was the Word." The poem narrates that in Jesus, God''s Word came to the earth. Afterwards, the narrative transitions to John the Baptist.; 42
John 1
2. How does John the Baptist refer to himself?
John the Baptist refers to himself as the voice of a preacher, baptizing people with water. He also announces that after him, Jesus will come, who will also be baptized by John the Baptist.
3. On what occasion did Jesus perform his first miracle and what happened?
After calling his disciples to follow him, Jesus was at a wedding in Cana. There, he turned some water jars into wine. John refers to this as his first sign.
John 2
4. Where did Jesus go a few days later during the Passover festival?
After the wedding, Jesus continued to Capernaum and Jerusalem. During the Passover festival, he went to the temple in Jerusalem and drove out the money changers.
5. With whom does Jesus have a nighttime conversation shortly afterward?
Jesus meets Nicodemus, a Pharisee, at night. Nicodemus addresses Jesus and acknowledges him as a teacher sent by God. Jesus explains to Nicodemus that one must be born anew to see the kingdom of God.
John 3
6. Afterward, Jesus travels north and meets a Samaritan woman. Where do they converse?
Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well and engages in conversation with her. He tells her that he can provide water leading to eternal life.
John 4
7. What does Jesus do on the Sabbath?
On the Sabbath, Jesus heals a man. The leaders of Israel are upset about this, claiming that no work should be done on the Sabbath. Jesus responds that his Father also works on the Sabbath.
John 5
8. Subsequently, how does Jesus provide for a large crowd of people?
Jesus provides for a large crowd of people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Afterward, he declares himself the bread of life. Some Jews are upset by this and stop following him.
John 6
9. During which festival does Jesus go to the temple and preach?
During both the Feast of Tabernacles and the Festival of Lights, Jesus goes to the temple and preaches. Afterwards, the leaders of Israel are so angered that they plan to kill him.
John 7-10
10. Whom does Jesus subsequently raise from the dead?
Jesus learns that his friend Lazarus has died. He goes to Jerusalem, despite the danger and raises Lazarus from the dead. Afterwards, he enters Jerusalem as Israel''s king, riding on a donkey.
John 11-12
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